BKT Meets Sarl James - Julien James
Meet Julien, one of the innovative managers at SARL James, who represents the third generation of this esteemed family business. He joined the company in 2008, learning the ins and outs of the company. By 2013, Julien had transitioned into management, taking over from his father, Joel, to lead the company. Today, he brings a vision for progress, innovation, and sustainability to SARL James with the aid of BKT. With BKT’s high-performance tires like AGRIMAX FORCE, which uses IF technology to enhance agricultural operations, and RIDEMAX FL 693 M, specifically developed for trailers and tankers, Julien is very pleased that these tires can meet all his demands.
  • Mickaël Fauchon
    Mickaël Fauchon
  • Julien James
    Julien James
Did you know?
  • Julien, 36, has worked at SARL James for 13 years. He joined as an employee in 2008 and moved into management with his father in 2013!
  •  SARL James's biggest activity is the slurry application, and their tractors and slurry tanks are equipped with BKT RIDEMAX FL 693 M tires for optimal performance.
  • SARL James stays up-to-date with the latest agricultural technologies, like Teleinflation, to preserve the soil. For this job, they rely on BKT’s IF and VF tires on their higher power tractors.
Mickaël Fauchon
Mickaël Fauchon

Mikaël, a respected agricultural machinery driver at SARL James, has an impressive 30 years of experience in the field. Since joining the company in 1995, he has become an expert in both driving and maintaining a wide range of agricultural machinery. Fascinated by the powerful machines he saw at a young age, Mikaël's dream to work with agricultural machinery became a reality. Known for his commitment to efficiency and soil preservation, Mikaël prefers using BKT tires because they ensure smooth operations and minimal wear. He has helped uphold the SARL James legacy through three generations, making him an invaluable asset to the team.

Julien James
Julien James

Julien is a manager at SARL James and the grandson of the founder, Emile James. He has been immersed in the farming environment from a young age and officially joined the team in 2008. He brings a fresh perspective and new energy to the team. Over the years, Julien perfected his skills and deepened his understanding of the business, stepping into a management role in 2013. Now, at 36 years old, he has spent 13 years contributing to the growth and success of SARL James. Under his guidance, SARL James continues to thrive, balancing modern advancements with the values of a family business.